Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Portion 12 Va-Y’Hi Genesis 47:28-50:26

48:7 Jacob is still of the opinion that God’s promise is about biological instead of moral and spiritual prodigy.

49:5 The Levites, who will become a privileged class, have already been associated with the rape of Shechem, are criticized for their anger, violence, and lawlessness.

49:11 Judah, the tribe of royalty appears to be associated with opulence and conspicuous consumption.

50:7 Joseph secures an elaborate state funeral for Jacob.

50:21 Joseph’s brothers are concerned that Joseph was only kind to his brothers for their father’s sake and now that their father is dead they will suffer Joseph’s wrath. Joseph’s wrath is to keep his brothers entirely beholden to him for their livelihoods.

50:25 Towards the end of Joseph’s life, he appears to loose favor with Pharaoh and is unable to protect the Israelites as he had promised. This is suggested by the phrase “when God has taken notice of you” and the fact that there is no mention of a state funeral for Joseph.


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